As we were – ages ago

Don’t ask us the date – we are scornful of such matters. But Jane has a new game, posting a photo of ourselves a while ago, with a story. Snow NY Day_2Here we are – well, some of us. Catkin wasn’t here at the time. The story is that we were super-gorgeous then as well as now, and, as we remember, were given more dinners every day because we were “still growing”. What an idiotic idea! We need more dinners every day, so that we can continue to grow, getting bigger and lovelier each day. Except for Catkin, who is big enough already…..

Rachel: taken about 4 years ago, in our old house, where there were lots of stairs, perfect for youngsters to rampage freely.

Turf war

This is not a scene of peace, love and sisterly sharing. It positively vibrates with tension and strife, in that curious gaze-avoiding way that cats have when disagreeing with one another.IMG_4655Millie is in the centre of the double cushion. Queen Lottie’s place, in fact. IMG_4655IMG_4653Millie refuses to move, despite menacing glares from Lottie. IMG_4656Eventually – possibly because I am watching, and Lottie knows I dislike fighting – Lottie yields, and gives Millie a bit of a seemingly-friendly wash. IMG_4657She settles down. IMG_4659But she isn’t happy. And neither is Millie. IMG_4660IMG_4661This small but intensely-felt conflict will resume in due course. And will be repeated on a daily basis. The hierarchy is never static.


Everything comes….

to he who can wait.

One of Hamish’s greatest longings is to have Queen Lottie be nice to him. And usually she ignores him.

Queen Lottie rules with an iron fist in a velvet paw, and being nice to the lowest in the pecking purring order doesn’t feature strongly in her reign.

But yesterday, busy doing her nails, she mellowed, and the lowliest of her subjects was allowed to creep up to sit on her chair. And then – oh joy! – to have his face and ears washed very thoroughly, as he drooled and purred like a little motor bike, and to sleep afterwards, snuggled up and happy at last.

Not that it will last, of course. Rulers have to maintain their status, subjects have to know their place, and law enforcement round here is not always a pretty sight.

But for an hour, one little ginger cat was in heaven.

PS from Millie:

Action has been taken. Situation returned to normal. You may stand down.