
This is me, washing. I’m fastidious about keeping clean.



The kitchen is very clean too, because of me; apparently I’m in Deep Disgrace.

My human known as The Gardener got into a terrible flap after he spotted something (just a bit of regurgitated food) in the kitchen and rushed off to tell Her, our other human who never flaps about vomit or indeed evidence of any other bodily function. He thought it involved a stolen bit of apple and blackberry crumble; He went on about it for rather a long time.

She didn’t flap at all, but cleaned it up very neatly, and disinfected the worktop. She was pretty sure that the cat who left that particular deposit was me, as I am the one who likes to leap up onto work surfaces – well, you never know if someone might leave the lid off the butter dish, or leave some of their cheese sandwich lying around, waiting to be found, do you? But I’m admitting nothing; safest that way.

She says he should be grateful that it hadn’t been deposited in his shoes.

What She didn’t tell Him was that the bit of regurgitated apple and blackberry crumble was in fact something much nicer (to me, at least); she knew what it was because of the little bit of mouse fur it contained. And she suspects that I hadn’t touched the crumble – I don’t enjoy fruit as much as I love butter or cheese, anyway.

I suppose I’m lucky in that I have one human who understands.


A rather indistinct iPad photo of a little cat helping herself to the flower water.


She may be six now, but she’s still the naughtiest kitten ever.

Note: There are clean water bowls available to the cats and the dog; Millie just likes a challenge.

As we were – ages ago

Don’t ask us the date – we are scornful of such matters. But Jane has a new game, posting a photo of ourselves a while ago, with a story. Snow NY Day_2Here we are – well, some of us. Catkin wasn’t here at the time. The story is that we were super-gorgeous then as well as now, and, as we remember, were given more dinners every day because we were “still growing”. What an idiotic idea! We need more dinners every day, so that we can continue to grow, getting bigger and lovelier each day. Except for Catkin, who is big enough already…..

Rachel: taken about 4 years ago, in our old house, where there were lots of stairs, perfect for youngsters to rampage freely.


In this household, it’s variable.


Some Christmas gifts were more warmly received fallen in love with than others. Flossie and her new bear cannot be parted (except at dinnertime….) but we all know that Flossie is soppy and easily impressed by soft toys.

But we cats – ah, we have much more discriminating taste.


We weren’t impressed by a silly squirrel thing stuffed with catnip, oh no.IMG_4302

Not at all.

We hope Santa Claws judged your gifts better than ours.

Special guest



Rachel: A visitor is coming to see you next month.

Me: Yeah.

Rachel: Your Auntie Anne from Glasgow.

Me: Yeah. She’s nice.

Rachel: She likes to share her prawns with you.


Me: PRAWNS???? She shares prawns?????

When does she arrive?